I hate surveys especially when it comes to the ranking of the candidates in election.
I believe that one's vote should not be based on what the survey said. Like for example, Noynoy Aquino is ranked as no. 1 in the survey. But it doesn't mean that he will win the election.
What will be the result if Noynoy loses the election? Of course, they will say that they were cheated.
This coming election, please, please, PLEASE, don't let the surveys take away YOUR vote. Decide by yourself.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Surveys Mean Nothing
Posted by Athrun at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
On Jejemons...
They are still humans and we know that. But the point is that they are bastardizing the language whether be it in English or in Filipino. Language is evolving fast, but not to the extent that everyone doesn't know how to spell and write (or type) correctly anymore.
Let us take for example the time when text messaging became popular. Because of text messaging, many people forgot how to spell correctly and their vocabulary became limited as well. It's the same as those "Jejemons". "Jejemons" are also violating many rules of grammar (again, in both English and Filipinos). Because of "jeje-typing", proper punctuations are often ignored and misused.
Being an English teacher, I noticed the effects of text messaging and jeje-typing. How? By their theme writing. I can't believe that some (I said "some) students are short-cutting words and do jeje-typing (or jeje-writing) in their compositions. This is an insult to their teachers and their former teachers as well. It is also a hard task for the teachers to correct this if the children are used on jeje-writing.
It's not a mockery to the "Jejemons", it's just that language should be respected. Do I hate jejemons? I don't hate them as a person but I don't like the way they are treating our language.
Just my opinion. :)
Posted by Athrun at 3:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Isang Halimbawa Kung Paano Makipag-usap ang mga Jejemon!
miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!
somerandomguy: Huh?
miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!
somerandomguy: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!
miszMaldiTahh111: T__T
Si JEJEVADER. Ang tagapuksa ng mga jejemon. SUPORTAHAN SI JEJEVADER!!! hahaha!
This post is for fun only. Don't take this seriously. LOL! =))
Posted by Athrun at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Moving On
I'm not talking about love here. I'm talking about moving on from the things that we posses.
I'm a type of person who has a difficulty of moving on. Like for example, I still have with me the quizzes of my students from Roosevelt College Cainta and Concepcion Integrated School two years ago. I find it hard to throw those away because of the memories I have with it. Even if it is just a test paper, because of their handwriting on it I don't throw it away. Another one is to the pictures that I have taken. Again, because of the memories in it, I find it difficult to delete all those files.
If you are to see my room, I have things in there that you may think as unnecessary and should be thrown away or should be burned to ashes. I don't throw all those away simply because I value the memories in it. In everything I own, if there are significant memories associated with it, I find it hard to disregard.
How about you? :)
Posted by Athrun at 4:51 AM 0 comments