Saturday, February 13, 2010

JS Prom

Ahh, just got home from the JS Prom. No, it's not mine, but the students.

Okay, first I just want to say thank you to those who trusted me to become one of the hosts. Good thing is that I only have few lines. LOL!

Anyway, the prom was fun! I enjoyed it a lot. As I have said earlier, I was one of the hosts. So how did it go? Well, I was kind of nervous at first but I got the hang of it later on. I instantly learned the do's and don't's of hosting. Experience can really give a person an instant lesson. :D

I got to dance two of my co-teachers and 4 students. I didn't get to dance the other sections because it was their night, not mine, not the teachers.

Anyway, looking forward to the JS Prom next year. I have to keep a lot of promises.