Thursday, March 27, 2008

Forever Red!

This is a repost of my blog yesterday.

I was browsing Youtube for Sentai shows
(not hentai) and I came across this
special Power Rangers Wild Force episode
entitled Forever Red. Damn! It was so cool!

I got to see 10 red rangers in
action!!! At first I was searching for
Jason (the 1st Power Ranger) but I
couldn't find him. But then he arrived
before the other red rangers depart to
the moon.

I had fun watching it especially seeing
the original red ranger (I was a Power
Ranger fanatic!). There was the very
first Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
(Jason), Zeo Power Ranger (Tommy), Turbo
Power Ranger (I forgot the name), PR:
Galactic Force, also including the Wild
Force Red Ranger of course, the Ninja
Storm Red Ranger (late comer!) And other
Red Power Rangers which was not shown
here in our country. Anyway, I had fun
watching it. ^_^


... I also browsed other sentai series
like Ultraman Ace, Ultraman Tiga,
Ultraman Dyna, Fiveman (its opening song
and video), Bioman (opening song and
video) Turbo Rangers (opening song
and video, and my favorite, Jetman
(opening song and video). Ahhh, it
brings me back to the good ol' days! :)

MORPHIN' TIME! Tyrannosaurus!!! YAAAH!!!
