Thursday, July 23, 2009

The "I-Want-To-Be" Syndrome

Have you watched an anime and after watching the whole series you tend to say to yourself, "I wanna be like him/her!"?

I was watching Initial D last night then I suddenly recalled my feelings when I first watched the series. I was like, "I wanna be like Takumi!" Not just his god-like driving skill but everything. Would you believe that before I even said to myself that I want to work in a gasoline station just like Takumi? Seriously.

It's not just Initial D. But every realistic anime (anime without super powers) that I have watched gave me that feeling. Let's take for example the anime Slam Dunk. I was 3rd year high school then when I watched the whole series* and I felt like going back to the court again. I wanted to be like Mitsui who can shoot from the 3-point area easily. I wanted to be like Rukawa who was an all around player. I wanted to be like them!

What else? Hmm, there are only couple of realistic anime that was shown so I can't remember anything. Anyway, point taken. I always have this syndrome. Like now, I want to drive an AE86 Trueno and tackle the Zambales Mountain Pass!

*Slam Dunk was shown on ABC 5 when I was in elementary but I did not watch it. My interest at that time was focused on Yuu Yuu Hakusho which was shown on IBC 13. :)

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