Friday, May 9, 2008

Non-Stop Application Part 2


May 5, 2008

The HR, Neil, told me last last Friday (May 2) to go there (e-Tele) again at 9 am sharp. I did... but I was a little late (as usual). We had an assessment if we would take the LPET. So there, I was called to be assessed on where will they put me. When I entered the room, there were 5 people. I thought that the guy who called me would be the one to interview me, but I'm wrong! Those 5 people interviewed me...IT WAS A PANEL INTERVIEW!!! OMG! Ok, so I was a little nervous because I did not know what to expect. But it went great. I was asked about a topic that I wanted the most... and that was about MAGIC.

Well, they were a little curious about me and my magic life (maybe because you won't encounter a magician everyday). They asked me about David Blaine, Bearwin Meilly and other magicians as well. They also asked me if I have watched the movie The Prestige and asked my opinion about the movie. After that bloody interview, the thought of being endorsed in LPET came to my mind. But again, I was lucky. I was given a Job Offer! Lucky me!

After that assessment, my friend and I went to the recruitment team and passed the slip. The lady at the front desk told us that we should take our medical exam at Friendly Care across the building. So we did.

This was the most exciting part of the application! We went there with an empty stomach because we thought that it will only take a short while...and that's how our suffering started.

We arrived at Friendly Care and presented our slip to a nurse. We filled up a couple of forms. We had our x-ray and drug test. The worst part there was the drug test. It was not just the urine. We were gotten a sample of our blood. You may think it's just nothing but hey, we had an empty stomach at that time! So we were like dizzy after they got our blood sample. But thanks to that, we forgot that we were hungry.

After 1 and a half hour, we were done. We went to Starmall to eat Hong Kong Noodles, the noodles that I've been craving for a long time. We had the DOUBLE SIZE!!! (see how hungry we were?) :D

After the drug test, we went back to e-Telecare to have our contract was at around 2 pm already. After 2 hours, we were given half of the contract and signed it. After that, they advised us to go again there tomorrow for the whole contract signing. NOT AGAIN!!!!


May 6, 2008

Our schedule was 3 pm for the...I forgot the process. But it said that if we would complete that, we will be hired. We will be offered the complete Job Offer!

We had the assessment, we listened to a real call between a customer and a CSR agent. WTF?! I can't understand what the CSR agent was saying. He was so a machine gun! After the assessment, the HR said that we should wait for 1 hour to get the results. After the long wait, we had the results...WE PASSED! So the HR told us to wait for us to sign the whole contract. She said she'd be back at around 6:30. Guess what time did she come back? She came back at aroung 9:15! What the?! But honestly, it was worth the wait. When we saw the contracts, all of us there wanted to cry (don't believe me, I was just overreacting!).

And so there, that was what happened to me for about a month. I will start my training on Monday. Thank God. I owe Him a lot. I dedicate this work to Him of course. I wish that He would guide me all the way. :) Thank you Lord! :)